alhamdulillah jumpa juga... sekian lama amy mencari bnda alah ni untuk baby aqil ok..
since dia suka smething yg ada music so mmg plan cari something that have music meanwhile he can learn too
aqil ni banyak attitude dia ikut i ok.. hope xdegil mcm i udah ler... hehe
am i? no im not...
another parcel for little aqil... yeay...
nak tahu x apa benda alah tu..
scroll down ..
toys kecik tu lh yg dalam parcel pic atas... comel je tgk aqil belai forehead alfie dia ni.. hehe
its a little singing alfie
ms 1st dpt parcel ,im the one yg overeacted bout this toys sbb dia comel ok..
amy order dari UK ye.. sbb jarang sgt jumpa toys ni dikuching especially.. huhu..
once bought insyaALLAH no regret..
so sekarang amy nak share kehebatan toys kecik aqil ni..
kalau selalu dia tido dgn playgym now dh ada teman pengganti..
kalau dia nangis pun c kecik alfie ni yg pujuk.. haha..
so kalau nak tahu apa yg best bout this toys kenalh play utube kat bwh ni.. hik2...
so macam mana? best x?
of course best..
thats all for today...
kena tggu next month for another toys for aqil n the review pulak.. heee